Moshofsky/Plant has a great love for the logo. It's an art form that challenges the abilities of any designer, because it requires the summation of an idea, product, or indeed, an entire company, in one easily-reproduced form. Here are a few of the logos we've produced over the years.

was commissioned for a street vendor's cart that sold French pastries and drinks.

Arthur Miller The Crucible
was created for a Portland State University Theater Arts Department production of the Pulitzer Prize-winning play.
is our own service mark covering interactive presentations for artists and designers, produced with Macromedia Director for the Mac or PC.

William Shakespeare's Hamlet
was designed for Portland director Gary O'Brian's stripped-down production of the classic tragedy at the Portland Actors Conservatory.
is the logo and the name of our formerly non-virtual magazine, now available on-line!
Words | Production | Logos | Presentations | Image Manipulation | Illustration | Design